In his latest article for Entrepreneur, CEO, Marius Silvasan explains why SMBs face higher cash…
LeAnne Dennis10.02.24
eCapital CEO, Marius Silvasan, sits down with Maria Bailey of to share invaluable insights…
LeAnne Dennis08.08.24
From technology to financing challenges, eCapital CEO Marius Silvasan explains how specialty financing is helping…
LeAnne Dennis08.01.24
eCapital CEO Marius Silvasan sat down with Finovate host Greg Palmer to discuss how technology…
LeAnne Dennis06.18.24
Join us in celebrating our Chief Marketing Officer, Tracy Groves, who has been recognized by…
LeAnne Dennis03.19.24
The Secured Finance Network has highlighted Floria Whitcomb, as one of the 2024 Women in…
LeAnne Dennis03.12.24