List of Canadian Trucking Associations
The Canadian trucking industry is a widespread community stretching from coast to coast. This highly fragmented sector competes for business but collaborates through provincial associations and a national alliance to bolster the community’s collective strength. This community’s challenges include industry pressures, governmental regulations, cross-border issues, safety concerns, and more.
The Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) is the country’s federation of provincial trucking associations. This organization represents a broad cross-section of the industry with approximately 4,500 carriers, owner-operators, and industry suppliers. CTA is viewed as one of the country’s most influential and respected trade groups with a single voice and viewpoint on national and international policy, regulatory and legislative issues that affect the Canadian trucking community.
Whether cooperating as a single body to address national and international influences or as individual associations to advocate, advance and improve commercial trucking in their respective provinces, these groups provide much-needed support to the Canadian trucking industry. Here we have established a list of what are the best Canadian trucking associations.
The Ultimate List of Canadian Trucking Associations
Alberta Motor Transport Association (AMTA)
– Alberta Motor Transport Association and its members have advanced the commercial transportation industry through safety programs, progressive policy, and partnerships.
Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association (APTA)
– non-profit industry association formed to advocate on advancing and improving the commercial trucking industry in Atlantic Canada.
BC Trucking Association (BCTA)
– a member-based, province-wide, non-partisan, non-profit motor carrier association formed solely to advance the interests of British Columbia motor carriers.
Manitoba Trucking Association (MTA)
– exists to advocate, support, and educate to ensure a safe and healthy business environment for the trucking industry.
Ontario Trucking Association (OTA)
– since 1926, OTA has been the voice of responsible trucking in Ontario.
Quebec Trucking Association (QTA)
– Association du Camionnage du Québec – L’ACQ permet aux transporteurs routiers et aux fournisseurs de produits et services liés à l’industrie du camionnage de bénéficier de nombreux conseils, outils, formations et avantages exclusifs pour faciliter leur quotidien et maximiser le rendement de leur entreprise.
Saskatchewan Trucking Association (STA)
– over the years it has helped the industry fight its battles in everything from deregulation to weights and measures. It has always been there to represent the industry in discussions with the government.
The majority of the Canadian trucking community are member carriers – mostly family-run small and medium-sized operations. Acting independently, they compete to move over 63 million shipments a year. But collaboration through industry associations is this community’s strength for addressing the common issues that bind the nation’s trucking industry together.
The CTA and provincial associations vigorously promote ongoing professional development and compliance programs to help industry participants stay updated on an ever-changing industry. Industry suppliers and service providers also contribute to the strength of the community with innovations, expertise, and guidance to help maximize efficiencies and improve profitability. Trucking companies that establish mutually beneficial partnerships with industry-leading suppliers and service providers further strengthen their efforts toward sustained profitability and growth.
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