7 Smartphone Apps to Improve Truck Driver Health and Fleet Productivity
Most (if not all) truck drivers today travel with a smartphone or tablet in their cab. It’s become a vital planning tool that can help improve productivity while saving time and money – something all fleet owners are looking to capitalize on. With so many apps out there, we wanted to highlight some that we think your truck drivers will find useful and that can improve your fleet health and productivity:
1. Allstays Truck Stops & Travel Plazas
This app costs $9.99 and is the most expensive app on our list, but it provides your drivers with all the truck stops in the closest proximity to their current location. In addition, it provides information on weigh stations, CAT scales, area Walmarts, truck washes and shares details such as parking lot size, food options, showers, and more. Your drivers can even conduct specific searches to find what they’re looking for.
2. MyFitnessPal – Calorie Counter & Diet Tracker
This free app is the perfect tool for your drivers to keep track of their daily calorie intake and those burned. With a database of over 2,000,000 foods, this app makes it easy to document food intake. They can even track their exercise routine, as it contains over 350 exercises to keep your truckers heart-healthy.
3. Fast Food Calorie Counter
This app is $.99 but is another truck driver essential. The food choices at many rest areas and truck stops seem to work against most looking to curb calories. This app has nutritional information for 73 popular restaurants and 9,141 menu items, including calories, fat, carbs, fiber, and protein. To say the least, this app can help your truck drivers make smarter decisions when it’s time to eat.
4. Audible – Audiobooks & More
This free app is perfect for someone who likes a good book but doesn’t have the time to actually read it. With a database of over 100,000 titles to choose from, truckers can download best sellers, classics, comedies, fiction and non-fiction. And once they’re done driving for the day, they can switch modes and read where they left off listening.
5. Track – Real-time Route Tracking & Sharing
This $4.99 app allows your drivers to easily share their location and route with anyone. You and your customers can track the driver in real-time using a web browser on any device.
6. TruckLog – Truck Drivers Log Book
This free app is an electronic log book that lets your drivers log their daily activities. Record mass records for each axle group, monitor their fuel usage, and track mileage easily and accurately and they can email records as a CSV or Excel document to you for simplicity.
7. iExit Interstate Exit Guide
This free app (for the rest of 2014) tells your drivers which services are at upcoming interstate exits. Are they looking for food, coffee, fuel or a truck wash? This app tells them what lies ahead and can be searched so they can find specifics. They don’t need wait for road signs to tell them!
Being on the road as much as your truck drivers are is not an easy task, but smartphones and tablets can make their life on the road a little easier, and these seven apps are sure to help. A happy, healthy, and productive fleet will pay dividends down the road (no pun intended). Remember too that eCapital can help fund those invoices quickly and easily with our freight factoring service. While these apps can surely make your drivers’ daily driving a little easier, there’s no substitute for putting money in your pockets quickly!
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