What is A Factor?

A factor is a financial intermediary that provides factoring services to businesses. For a UK audience, understanding the role of a factor is essential for leveraging factoring as a financial tool to improve cash flow and manage accounts receivable.


Key Aspects of a Factor:

  1. Definition:
    • A factor is a financial institution or company that offers factoring services, which involve purchasing a business’s accounts receivable (invoices) at a discount. The factor provides immediate cash to the business and assumes the responsibility of collecting payments from the business’s customers.
  2. Purpose:
    • Cash Flow Improvement: By converting receivables into immediate cash, factors help businesses maintain liquidity and manage cash flow more effectively.
    • Credit Risk Management: Factors often take on the credit risk associated with the receivables, reducing the risk for the business.
    • Administrative Relief: Factors handle the collections process, relieving businesses of the time and effort required to manage receivables.
  3. How Factoring Works:
    • Invoice Submission: The business sells its invoices to the factor at a discount.
    • Advance Payment: The factor advances a percentage of the invoice value (typically 70-90%) to the business.
    • Collection: The factor collects the full payment from the business’s customer.
    • Final Payment: Once the customer pays the invoice, the factor pays the remaining balance to the business, minus a factoring fee.
  4. Benefits for Businesses:
    • Immediate Cash Access: Provides quick access to funds tied up in receivables, improving liquidity.
    • Reduced Collection Efforts: The factor handles collections, allowing the business to focus on core activities.
    • Credit Risk Protection: In non-recourse factoring, the factor assumes the risk of non-payment, protecting the business from bad debts.
    • Flexibility: Factoring can be a flexible financing option for businesses of various sizes and industries.
  5. Types of Factoring:
    • Recourse Factoring: The business retains the risk of non-payment. If the customer does not pay, the business must repay the factor.
    • Non-Recourse Factoring: The factor assumes the risk of non-payment, offering greater protection to the business.
    • Invoice Factoring: Involves selling individual invoices to the factor.
    • Whole Ledger Factoring: Involves selling all outstanding invoices to the factor on an ongoing basis.
  6. Example:A UK-based manufacturing company has £100,000 in outstanding invoices with payment terms of 60 days. To improve cash flow, the company decides to use a factor.
    • Invoice Submission: The company submits its £100,000 worth of invoices to the factor.
    • Advance Payment: The factor advances 80% of the invoice value, providing £80,000 immediately to the company.
    • Collection: The factor collects the full invoice amount from the company’s customers.
    • Final Payment: Once the customers pay the invoices, the factor pays the remaining £20,000 to the company, minus a factoring fee (e.g., 3%, or £3,000).
  7. Considerations:
    • Cost: Factoring involves fees, which can include discount rates, service fees, and additional charges for credit protection.
    • Customer Relations: The factor interacts with the business’s customers, so it is essential to choose a reputable factor to maintain good customer relationships.
    • Creditworthiness: Factors assess the creditworthiness of the business’s customers, which can affect the availability and terms of factoring.
  8. Choosing a Factor:
    • Reputation: Select a factor with a strong reputation and experience in your industry.
    • Services: Consider additional services offered, such as credit assessment, risk protection, and international factoring.
    • Terms and Conditions: Review the terms of the agreement carefully, including advance rates, fees, and payment schedules.


A factor plays a crucial role in providing factoring services to businesses in the UK, helping them improve cash flow, manage credit risk, and streamline collections. By understanding the benefits and considerations of working with a factor, businesses can make informed decisions to support their financial stability and growth. Selecting a reputable factor and carefully reviewing the terms of the factoring agreement are essential steps to maximize the advantages of factoring.