What is Freight Factoring?

Freight factoring is a financial service tailored for businesses in the transportation and logistics sector. For a UK audience, understanding freight factoring can help transport companies improve cash flow, manage operations more efficiently, and mitigate the challenges associated with delayed customer payments.


Key Aspects of Freight Factoring:

  1. Definition:
    • Freight factoring is a financing solution where transport companies sell their outstanding invoices (accounts receivable) to a factoring company (factor) at a discount. This provides immediate cash to the transport company, which can be used to cover operational expenses and fuel business growth.
  2. How It Works:
    • Invoice Submission: The transport company completes a delivery and issues an invoice to the customer.
    • Sale of Invoice: The transport company sells the invoice to a factoring company, typically receiving 70-90% of the invoice value upfront.
    • Immediate Cash: The factoring company advances the funds to the transport company, providing immediate liquidity.
    • Collection: The factoring company takes over the responsibility of collecting payment from the customer.
    • Final Payment: Once the customer pays the invoice, the factoring company releases the remaining balance to the transport company, minus a factoring fee.
  3. Benefits:
    • Improved Cash Flow: Provides immediate access to funds, helping transport companies manage day-to-day expenses and invest in growth.
    • Risk Mitigation: Reduces the risk of bad debts and late payments, as the factoring company assumes the responsibility of collecting payments.
    • Operational Efficiency: Allows transport companies to focus on their core operations rather than chasing payments.
    • Credit Protection: Some factoring arrangements include credit protection, where the factoring company assumes the risk of non-payment by the customer.
  4. Example:A UK-based haulage company delivers goods to a customer and issues an invoice worth £10,000 with a 60-day payment term.
    • Invoice Submission: The company submits the £10,000 invoice to a factoring company.
    • Advance Payment: The factoring company advances 85% of the invoice value, providing £8,500 to the haulage company immediately.
    • Collection: The factoring company collects the full £10,000 from the customer after 60 days.
    • Final Payment: After deducting a factoring fee of 3% (£300), the factoring company pays the remaining £1,200 to the haulage company.
  5. Considerations:
    • Cost: Factoring fees can vary and may include discount rates, service fees, and other charges. It’s essential to understand the total cost and compare it with other financing options.
    • Customer Relationships: The factoring company interacts with the transport company’s customers for collections. Choosing a reputable factoring company is crucial to maintaining positive customer relationships.
    • Creditworthiness: Factoring companies assess the creditworthiness of the transport company’s customers, which can influence the advance rate and fees.
  6. Types of Freight Factoring:
    • Recourse Factoring: The transport company is responsible for repurchasing the invoice if the customer does not pay. This option typically has lower fees.
    • Non-Recourse Factoring: The factoring company assumes the risk of non-payment, offering greater protection to the transport company but often at higher fees.
  7. Choosing a Factoring Company:
    • Reputation: Select a factoring company with a strong track record and positive reviews in the transport and logistics industry.
    • Terms and Conditions: Carefully review the terms of the agreement, including advance rates, fees, and payment schedules.
    • Additional Services: Consider factoring companies that offer extra services such as credit checks, fuel card programs, and flexible funding options.


Freight factoring is a valuable financial tool for UK transport companies, providing immediate cash flow and reducing the risks associated with delayed customer payments. By selling invoices to a factoring company, transport businesses can access funds quickly, manage operations more effectively, and focus on growth. Understanding the benefits and considerations of freight factoring helps businesses make informed decisions and choose the right factoring partner to support their financial needs.