What is AN Employer of Record (EOR)?

An Employer of Record (EOR) is a third-party organization that takes on the legal responsibilities of employing staff on behalf of other companies. This arrangement is particularly beneficial for companies looking to expand into new markets without establishing a local entity or for those needing to quickly onboard workers in compliance with local labor laws. Here’s a detailed explanation of what an EOR does and the advantages it offers:


Functions of an EOR

  1. Employment Administration: The EOR handles all administrative aspects of employment, such as payroll processing, tax withholdings, and ensuring compliance with local employment laws and regulations. This includes managing employee records, processing salaries, and submitting necessary governmental filings.
  2. Legal Compliance: As the official employer, the EOR ensures compliance with the labor laws of the country where the employees are based. This covers everything from employment contracts, work hours, minimum wage requirements, termination procedures, to health and safety standards.
  3. Benefits Management: The EOR can administer various employee benefits like health insurance, retirement plans, and other employment perks. This capability allows client companies to offer competitive packages that help attract and retain talent.
  4. Onboarding and Offboarding: The EOR facilitates the onboarding process for new hires, which includes signing employment contracts, setting up payroll, and integrating employees into the client company’s systems. Similarly, they handle offboarding when employment ends.


Benefits of Using an EOR

  • Market Expansion: An EOR enables companies to hire employees in new markets without the need for a physical presence or a local subsidiary, thus reducing the time and cost involved in expanding operations globally.
  • Risk Mitigation: By managing compliance with local employment laws, an EOR mitigates the risk of non-compliance for companies, protecting them against potential legal and financial penalties.
  • Operational Efficiency: Companies can focus on their core business activities without the administrative burden of managing employment tasks and navigating complex local labor laws.
  • Scalability: Using an EOR allows businesses to scale up or down quickly in response to business needs without the long-term commitments and complexities associated with setting up a foreign entity.



  • Control: While operational control over how employees work remains with the client company, the EOR handles the formal employment relationship, which might limit direct control over certain HR functions.
  • Cost: There are fees associated with using an EOR service. Companies need to evaluate whether the benefits of using an EOR outweigh these costs, considering the potential savings from not setting up a local entity.
  • Dependence on the EOR: The reliance on an external organization for crucial aspects of HR management requires trust and effective communication to ensure alignment with the company’s policies and culture.


Overall, an Employer of Record offers a strategic solution for businesses aiming to quickly and legally hire employees across different international jurisdictions, supporting global expansion and operational flexibility.