Federal Reserve Beige Book


The Federal Reserve Beige Book, officially known as the “Summary of Commentary on Current Economic Conditions,” is a report published by the Federal Reserve Board eight times a year. The…

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Contract Factoring


Contract factoring, also known as whole ledger factoring or full-service factoring, is a financial arrangement in which a business sells all or a significant portion of its accounts receivable to…

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Spot Factoring


Spot factoring, also known as single-invoice factoring or selective factoring, is a financial arrangement where a business sells individual invoices to a factoring company rather than factoring all of its…

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Credit Management Fee


A credit management (service) fee in invoice factoring is a charge imposed by a factoring company for providing credit management services. These services typically include assessing the creditworthiness of the…

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Servicing Fees


Servicing fees in invoice factoring refer to the charges imposed by a factoring company for managing and administering the factored invoices. These fees cover a range of services provided by…

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Early Termination Fee


An early termination fee in invoice factoring is a charge imposed by a factoring company when a business decides to end their factoring agreement before the agreed-upon term has expired….

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Buyout Fee


A buyout fee in invoice factoring refers to a charge imposed by a factoring company when a business decides to terminate their factoring agreement and repurchase their outstanding factored invoices….

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Carrier Payment


Carrier payments in invoice factoring refer to the process by which a factoring company advances funds to a carrier (typically a transportation or logistics company) based on the invoices issued…

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